CANON PIXMA TS5350 AllinOne Wireless Inkjet Printer

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Smart connectivity

The Canon PIXMA TS5350 All-in-One Wireless Inkjet Printer makes it possible to print and scan wirelessly from your smart device, so you're no longer tethered to the printer. Simply download the Canon PRINT app to enjoy a range of connectivity options using WiFi. Or print app free with the Apple AirPrint or Morphia on your Android phone.

Canon FINE cartridges

Get printing straight away as two Canon FINE cartridges are included in the box. You can print up to 180 pages from a single cartridge. Plus, they're durable and easy to replace – ideal for quick and simple printing. And you can print more pages cost effectively with XL ink cartridges (sold separately), for up to 400 pages a cartridge.

Creative possibilities

Try new artistic approaches to your projects with Easy-PhotoPrint Editor, Creative Park and Message In Print apps. You can print to iron-on transfer media or stickers and make your next project stand out.

Easy to control

Handy access buttons and an OLED display make the PIXMA TS5350 easy to control. And the manual-tilt panel and intuitive interface match the Canon PRINT app.


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